3 monthly payments of $1,000 USD

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Call Attendance

Note down the calls times as you're committing to attend all the calls.

Refund Policy

If you cancel more than 2 weeks before the start of the group you will be refunded your full payment minus a $100 fee.

If you cancel less than 2 weeks before the group start you will be refunded your full payment minus a $500 fee.

Once the program starts if you need to cancel for any reason you'll be responsible for paying the full program cost.

I do this because the integrity of the group is paramount so if you're committing to the process you need to be 100% in.

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Men's Self Leadership Program

Wednesdays 3:30pm - 5:00pm Eastern Time

February 5 - April 30 (No session March 5)

What you'll get:

  • Weekly 1.5 video coaching calls
  • Individualized homework from each call to push you forward in your journey
  • Access to my Shadow Course
  • A group of brothers to get support from and have real conversations