$127.00 USD

The Porn Detox Program: Self Study

What's Waiting For You:

  • 6 In-Depth Transformation Modules
  • Challenges Toolkit - Breathwork, Meditation, journaling and physical Exercises 

The program comes with a 20-day money back guarantee.

What Men Say About Working With Connor

“Connor helped me identify the problem and finally make the changes to curb this habit.”
I used to masturbate over porn up to 7 times a day and still have sex with my partner a couple of years ago. I was stuck and using it as a coping mechanism, an escape from my reality that I was depressed and anxious. Although it’s very few and few and far between now, you’ve helped me identify the problem and finally make the changes to curb this habit. My relationship with my partner has never been better.
- Alex O. 


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