$130.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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Relationship Mastery - Payment Plan

Be honest, you’re here because you’re frustrated with not getting the results you want in your relationship– past or current – and you’re ready for change.

Maybe you don’t know how to  get your needs met, feel insecure, have found yourself in a largely sexless relationship, or battle constantly with being “the nice guy.” You might be frustrated because you want to be more assertive, have clarity about being with “the right one,” or struggle to “control” yourself, your anger, and your emotions.

Regardless of why you’re here, I want you to know one thing. This program will help you succeed in your relationship. Not because it’s going to teach you shady tactics or phrases that will get short term results, but will teach you to do the one thing that will create lasting and sustainable change:  admit who you are in your relationship, and build the best version of you. 

What You'll Get

  • 6 hours of coaching videos ($900)
  • 8 guided journaling worksheets ($400)
  • 8 weeks of integration exercises and tactics ($400)
  • Bonus: Access to 3 previous group call replays with Connor ($150 value) 

Refund Policy There is a 20-day money back. Email [email protected] within 20 days of purchase to request a refund.

What Men Are Saying:

That was really helpful, and another good tool in my beginning journey into understanding the importance of, connecting more with and learning to regulate my nervous system. Thanks Connor!

Andrew F.

It is really revolutionary for me to think of limitations and boundaries as working FOR me. Just like discipline I've experienced them very strongly as something set externally by authority figures that I was not able to question or push back on.

Charlie A.

While the course is geared around relationships, I appreciate the fact that this course is designed to address myself, my direction, and the things I want to improve on. Not some short cut or manipulation to elicit a response from my wife. I've made myself a slave to that way of thinking. People pleasing with the hope of getting just a little back in return. I look forward to changing that decades old mindset.

Allan F.